13 Incredible Benefits of Playing an Instrument

  • 18 January 2020
  • Maria


13 Incredible Benefits of Playing an Instrument - images/defaultImage.jpg


Music has a physical effect on our being, determining psychological states of mind and emotions, through its rhythm, melody and harmony influencing the personality, the brain and our way of thinking. It can induce a state of comfort, indirectly influencing the functions of the human body.

Studies have shown clear connections between music education and classroom performance.

Paying an instrument helps kids to:

  • 1. Focus concentration

  • 2. Increase attention

  • 3. Build a sense of anticipation

  • 4. Enhance imagination

  • 5. Improve memory

  • 6. Boost kids reflexes

  • 7. Increase spontaneity

  • 8. Improves their problem-solving skills

  • 9. Establish a positive learning state

  • 10. Create the desired atmosphere

  • 11. Develop their agility

  • 12. Release tension

  • 13. Enlarge their social circle

"If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician" A. Einstein.


Kids who play an instrument develop an extremely efficient connection between the different parts of the frontal lobe compared to non-musicians. That's a big deal because it helps them a lot in language, spontaneity, decision making and social behaviour.

Playing instrument support your child to develop their agility and understand concepts like addition, ratios, fractions... There is a strong connection between Math and Music. Practising and understanding music gives the kids a stronger comprehension in math and improves their problem-solving skills.

Music uses, for instance, a fraction for time signature, addition to arranging values in bars. Rhythm, scales, intervals, patterns, symbols, harmonies, time signatures, overtones, tone, pitch, all the music are connected to mathematics.

Ever since Pythagoras used numerical terms to express intervals between notes and derived musical tones from geometrical patterns, mathematicians have linked music to numbers.

Music training also improves kids social skills, giving them a chance to be part of an orchestra and creating plenty of opportunities to enlarge their social circle.

Another benefit of playing an instrument is boosts kids reflexes.

Studies have shown that kids from a musical background and those who aren't, it's the musicians that react far quicker to sounds and vibrations, regardless of their level of expertise. The study concluded that the participants who were proficient in playing an instrument were "Faster at a statistically significant level".

We will show in another article "The influence of music on the human mind" in what way the four qualities of the musical sound (pitch which creates the melody, values which generate rhythm, the intensity which generates dynamic plan and timbre which offers uniqueness to the sound) influence the human being.